Karen Lake, BN, R.N.
I have a special passion for supporting, guiding, and directing family members to be the best they can be in their caregiving role; to help them make informed decisions, to be prepared and to navigate the complex issues of caring for an aging loved one.
I work for YOU - to serve and assist YOU and your family. I offer compassionate support, guidance, and personal attention during what can be a very difficult transition. It is my sincere wish that you receive the support and encouragement, advice and answers you need as you assist your loved ones to age healthy and well.

How I Support Families
Just Like Yours

Online Community
The ICARE Community is a safe space for overwhelmed caregivers to come together to be recognized, valued and supported.
This community is for YOU - to allow you to come together with others who are supporting an aging loved one to gain and share insights and information, to learn caregiving tips and tricks, to ask questions AND get real answers AND to receive much needed mutual support.

"..to know he is being cared for and that you’re monitoring that care is a huge relief."
Linda C.
Dartmouth, NS

"Her efforts have helped keep our parents safely in their home,"